Plant Care

a fern on the left side, woman holding phone with green plant image on display over a table with soil

Your Go-To Plant Care Guide

to keep beautiful and healthy plants

Monstera Deliciosa

The Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical yet relatively easy plant for beginners to take care of as it is quite sturdy and does not require much for it to survive, even in not so tropical places. However, if you want it to thrive there are some things to think about that will make your plant grow big. Click image for more information.

Variegated Monstera Deliciosas

The Monstera Deliciosa Albo Varigate is a type of monstera that is not usually recomended for beginners as it can be expensive to buy and difficult to keep beautiful. It can be recognized by the speckled parts of the leaves and stems and is not usually found in stores, which is one of the reasons it is so expensive. Click image for more information.


The Coleus plant has become very popular the last couple of years do to their wide variety in colors, leaf shapes and sizes. It can definitely be considered a beginner plant as it is generally easy to take care of. There are however som beginner mistakes that can really hinder them from showing off their true beauty. Click image for more information.